
The basic way to create Gradle project is to use command line. Create a new directory that is named as your project, step into that directory and call gradle init task.

mkdir hello-world
cd hello-world
gradle init

The gradle init task creates couple of files:

  • - contains few predefinied dependencies, but they are all commented out

  • gradle.settings - contains project settings, like name of the project

  • gradle wrappers - that can be used to use a specific version of Gradle per project

Source folders

We can add other directories as source folders.

sourceSets {
    main {
        java {
            srcDirs = ['other-src', 'src/main/java']


We can turn on or completelly turn off the logging. -i is for info logging leve, -s is for stacktrace and -q for quite logging, that results in no logs.

gradle rWAD -is

System properties

gradle -DmyProp=1

Project properties

We can print out all project properties using properties task.

gradle properties

Sub modules

In order to create a project with sub module,settings.gradle file needs to contain inclusion of the sub module. = 'myproject'
include 'my-sub-module' // include is for modules included in the project directory
// infludeFlat is for modules that are next to root directory (not in the root directory)

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