
Copy Task

We can define what files should be copied, excluded, included and where these should end up.

task copyMyFiles(type: Copy) {
   from 'myfiles'
   into 'build/copied'
   exclude '**/*test*'
   include '**/*.sh'

More complex copy task

We can configure copy in many ways. We can include many directories, files and do many manipulations in single task.

def dataContent = copySpec {
     from 'src/data'
     include '*.data'

task initConfig(type: Copy) {
   from('src/main/config') {
       include '**/*.properties'
       include '**/*.xml'
       filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: [version: '2.3.1'])
   from('src/main/config') {
       exclude '**/*.properties', '**/*.xml'
   from('src/main/languages') {
       rename 'EN_US_(.*)', '$1'
   into 'build/target/config'
   exclude '**/*.bak'

   includeEmptyDirs = false

   with dataContent

   rename { fileName ->
       "production-file${(fileName - 'file-template')}"


Copy and transform a file. expand method uses SimpleTemplateEngine from Groovy.

versionId = '1.6'

task fillInTemplate(type: Copy) {
  from 'source'
  include ''
  into 'build/war/WEB-INF/config'
    databaseHostname: '',
    version: versionId,
    buildNumber: (int)(Math.random() * 1000),
    date: new Date()

While config can look like this (it is a template).

hostname: ${databaseHostname}
appVersion: ${version}
locale: en_us
initialConnections: 10
transferThrottle: 5400
queueTimeout: 30000
buildNumber: ${buildNumber}
buildDate: ${date.format("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmssZ")}

Filtering file content

We can filter content of copied file, line by line.

task filter(type: Copy) {
  into 'build/poems'
  from 'source'
  include 'todo.txt'
  rename { it - '.txt' + '.html'}
  filter { line ->

File by file

We can do operations for each file we are coping.

task files(type: Copy) {
  into 'build/deploy'
  from 'source'
  eachFile { fileCopyDetails ->
    // do something fileCopyDetails.file.text


The files() method returns collection of files based on input parameters.

def f = files('src')
println f.files
println f.asPath


Iterates through directory structure and collects the files as it traverses through the tree structure.

def xmlFilesOnly = fileTree('src/main/resources') {
  include '**/*.xml'
println xmlFilesOnly.files

FileCollection operations

FileCollections are lazily evaluated. We can contact or subtract file collections.

def poems = fileTree(dir: 'src/main/resources', include: '*.txt')
def romantics = fileTree(dir: 'src/main/resources', include: 'shelley*')
def goodPoems = poems - romantics

Source sets

println sourceSets.main.allSource.files
println sourceSets.main.output.files

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