Command Line

Working example project, which results from this tutorial, can be downloaded from

Using Grails command line to create a new application is probably the most reliable way. We can basically say that if you are not able to create project using the command line, you will be not able to work with Grails at all and you need to re-install Grails or fix its configuration.

Create application

These instructions are supposed to be executed by using the command line.

Step 1

Open your console and run grails create-app my-app that will create new directory called my-app with sample Grails application.

Step 2

Go to that directory cd my-app and open that folder in a text editor of your choice.

Step 3

Open BuildConfig.groovy and add latest version of vaadin plugin into compile scope compile ":vaadin:7.6.1".

Step 4

Now we need to run grails vaadin-quickstart, so Vaadin plugin can generate sample application for us.

Step 5

We want to prevent Grails to take over URL mapping. Open UrlMappings.groovy and make sure the URL mapping is empty.

    class UrlMappings {
        static mappings = {

Step 6

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