
Working example project, which results from this tutorial, can be downloaded from

Spring provides great tool Groovy/Grails Tool Suite for development of Groovy and Grails based projects. If Eclipse is your development IDE, you should definetelly get GGTS.

We will show how to create a new Grails project with Vaadin using GGTS in this article.

Step 1

Search for Grails type of project in New Project wizard and click on Next.

Step 2

Type a name of the project and click on Finish.

Step 3

Open file BuildConfig.groovy and add Vaadin plugin compile ":vaadin:7.6.1".

The latest version of the plugin is always available on

Run grails compile to reload dependencies. Click on Grail icon in GGTS and type there compile.

Then run grails vaadin-quickstart that will generate sample code to easier project configuration.

The command vaadin-quickstart will generate MyUI.groovy and remove URL mapping inside UrlMapping.groovy.


We have to disable Grails to take control over the URLs, so Vaadin can do it instead. Open UrlMappings.groovy file and make sure the URL mapping is empty, so the content of the file is the following.

Step 6

Click on Grail icon again and run run-app command.

Step 7

Now your application is running on http://localhost:8080/my-app

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