SASS Compilation

Example code is available on

SASS compilation will happen automatically, during runtime, in all environments except of production environment. This is handy, because we do not have to recompile SASS files after each change.

If automatic compilation of SASS is not happening, make sure productionMode is set to false for development environment, in VaadinConfig.groovy.

Because automatic re-compilation shoud not happen in production, because of performance, Vaadin plugin will compile SASS files for you when you build the production war file, as part of grails prod war command.

Let's create an example theme that will extend new Valo theme provided by Vaadin 7.3.

Step 1

Create new folders /VAADIN/themes/mytheme in web-app. Then we create new SASS file named styles.scss in web-app/VAADIN/themes/mytheme folder.

$v-app-background-color: hsl(71, 100%, 87%);

@import "../valo/valo";

.mytheme {
  @include valo;

Step 2

Add the name of a theme to VaadinConfig.groovy, in our example mytheme.

We can also define Vaadin version for SASS compilation by defining sassCompile variable. If we do not define Vaadin version a default version will be provided by Vaadin plugin.

vaadin {
    themes = ['mytheme']
    sassCompile = '7.3.0'

Then styles.scss gets compiled into styles.css when we run grails prod war command.

This configuration is required for SASS compilation that is executed as part of grails prod war command.

Step 3

The last step is to let Vaadin know what is the active theme. Add @Theme annotation with name of our custom theme on our UI class.

package app

import com.vaadin.annotations.Theme
import com.vaadin.grails.Grails
import com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest
import com.vaadin.ui.Button
import com.vaadin.ui.UI
import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout

class MyUI extends UI {

    protected void init(VaadinRequest r) {

        VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout()

        String homeLabel = Grails.i18n("default.home.label")
        Button label = new Button(homeLabel)


Step 4

Run the app and notice the changed background and the button, which is using Valo theme.

When you add ?debug as a parameter into URL, you wil see what theme is used as well as other debug logs.

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