
Working example project, which results from this tutorial, can be downloaded from

You need to install full version of NetBeans (where Groovy is included).

Then you need to install Grails plugin for NetBeans. Search for grails and mark Groovy and Grails plugin as selected.

Click on Install button and finish the instalation which will require restart Netbeans IDE.

Step 1

Open New Project window to create Grails application. Select Grails Application and click on Next.

Step 2

Type name of the project and finish the wizard.

Also configure Grails version that will be used for your project.

Step 3

Open BuildConfig.groovy and add dependency to vaadin plugin compile ":vaadin:7.6.1".

The latest version of the plugin is always available on

Open commands window in Netbeans.

Run grails compile command. It will download Vaadin plugin together with all mandatory dependencies.

Then click on Refresh Commands button and run grails vaadin-quickstart that will generate sample code to easier project configuration.

The command vaadin-quickstart will generate MyUI.groovy and remove URL mapping inside UrlMapping.groovy.


We want to prevent Grails to take over URL mapping. Open UrlMappings.groovy and make sure the URL mapping is empty.

class UrlMappings {
    static mappings = {

Step 5

We are ready to start up the application. Run grails run-app command.

Vaadin application running on http://localhost:8080/my-app will become accessible after a while.

Last updated