Localization Basics

Example code is available on github.com/vaadin-on-grails/localization-basics.

Localization property files are stored in grails-app/i18n folder.

In order to access the values in from the localized property files, use Grails.i18n() method. Grails class is provided by the plugin. Here are various ways how to use i18n method.

import static com.vaadin.grails.Grails.i18n
import static java.util.Locale.ENGLISH

String label = i18n("default.home.label")

String homeEng = i18n("default.home.label", ENGLISH)

Object[] newItemArgs = ["Proper label to be shown"]
String newItem = i18n("default.home.label", newItemArgs)

String newItemEng = i18n("default.home.label", newItemArgs, ENGLISH)

String newItemEngDef = i18n("do.not.exist", newItemArgs, "Default label for {0}", ENGLISH)

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